When deciding whether you should commit your time and hard earned money into a business venture, it is normal to learn everything you can about the business before you dive in. Ebay is no different. Running an Ebay business can be a sound, worth while financial investment, or it can be a nightmare.
Before you decide to open up that ebay store, consider the following pros and cons.
Pros -
- Fast Payments
- Ease of access to payments received
- Minimal physical labor
- Unlimited income potiential
Cons -
- Can be very costly, i.e. finding products to sell, gas costs to get to the post office,
- May not be successful at all
- Requires attention at all times due to questions from buyers
- Shipping all of the products can be a hassle
In my opinion, the worst thing about an Ebay business is the competition. Competition on Ebay is fierce and will remain so for yeas to come. Chances are that if you have a product to sell on Ebay, then it already is on Ebay for a lower price than you can offer it at. The people who sell laptops and video game systems for 25% off have most likely been in the business for a long time. In order to attain the same abilities and status of most power sellers, you must commit yourself to running your Ebay business. You must look at it like a business and not just a way to make a few extra dollars.
Whenever you list an item on Ebay, it costs you money. If your item does not sell then you have just wasted money that you can't get back. I think that this is one of the worst things about Ebay. Even if your product doesn't sell, you are still required to pay the listing fee. Final value fees are a whole other post. Take advantage of Ebay specials offering all listings for $0.99 or half off. Any thing is better than full price, Ebay or not.
I have made a fair amount of money on Ebay and am positive that millions of others have too, but regardless of what the masses do, you must decide for yourself whether an Ebay business is right for you. I enjoy blogging and running websites more than I like running an Ebay business, so that is what I do.
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