Pay Per Click advertising can be a great thing and it can be a bad thing too. It can be very bad if you don't understand how to use it properly because the charges can add up very quickly. Some big companies may spend $5,000 per day on PPC advertising, driving thousands of people to their site and making tens of thousands of dollars as a result.
If you are not careful, you might spend $100 in one day and get ZERO sale, or spend the same amount and get 50 sales, with a profit of $350. If you got that amount of money every day, you would make over $100,000 per year. Sounds good right?
The KEY to using PPC are keywords, keywords are key to getting the right kind of traffic and the right amount of good traffic. Never use generalized keywords such as "money, make money, make money online, etc" Use long-tail keywords such as "learn how to make money online easily" or "make money online without selling" or "make money online using ebay", ...those keywords are much better and will produce a higher amount of traffic. Long tail keywords make it harder for "surfers" to click on your ad unless they are interested. These types of keywords are much better due to the fact that they are less likely to be searched for by anyone who is not dedicated to the subject. I have had great success using Long tailed keywords and have increased my sales ten fold. I would recommend using them rather than regular general keywords.
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