Monday, September 22, 2008

The basics of Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the biggest earners for site owners and bloggers. You are an affiliate if you promote a product, link to a program/item or even have Google adsense ads on your site.

There are a few main affiliate marketing programs that you can join to make money through your website or blog.

1. Clickbank. Clickbank is a very easy way to make a commission on referred products. Clickbank focuses solely on informational items and digital items such as software. If you have an established site or blog, you could simply put in an affiliate link at the end of a relevant post and get a few sales from doing just that. You can create individual links for every item. The earning potential is endless.

2. Google adsense. Adsense is probably the easiest affiliate marketing program to become a part of. Whenever someone clicks on an Adsense ad on your website, you get paid. If you have 500 unique visitors every day and get 25 people to click on the ads, you could get anywhere between 25 cents and $50, depending on your subjet area and content.

3. Amazon Affiliates. You can earn money by referring people to to buy certain products. Most people will trust and are more likely to buy from them than anywhere else. You earn a commission on each item that is sold through your links, much like clickbank.

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